Refereed Journal Papers and Book Chapters
R. Zhang, W. Gong, V. Grzeda, A. Yaworski and M. Greenspan, “Scene Dynamics Estimation for Parameter Adjustment of Gaussian Mixture Models”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 21(9):1130-1134, ISSN: 1070-9908, May 2014.
R. Zhang, W. Gong, V. Grzeda, A. Yaworski and M. Greenspan, “Scene Dynamic Estimation for Parameter Adjustment of Gaussian Mixture Models”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 21(9):1130-1134, ISSN: 1070-9908, May 2014.
K. Hughes, H. Fernando, G. Szkilnyk, B. Surgenor and M. Greenspan, “VideoEvent Detection for Fault Monitoring in Assembly Automation”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, vol. 13(1- 2/2014):103-116, Feb. 2014.
R. Zhang, W. Gong, V. Grzeda, A. Yaworski and M. Greenspan, “An Adaptive Learning Rate Method for Improving Adaptibility of Background Models”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20(12):1266-1629, ISSN: 1070-9908, Dec. 2013 H. Li and M. Greenspan, “Model-Based Segmentation and Recognition of Dynamic Gestures in Continuous Video Streams”, Pattern Recognition, vol. 44(8):1614-1628, August 2011.
B. Taati and M. Greenspan, “Local Shape Descriptor Selection for Object Recognition in Range Data”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 115(5):681-694, May 2011.
L. Shang and M. Greenspan, “Real-time Object Recognition in Sparse Range Images Using Error Surface Embedding”, International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer Netherlands, vol. 89(2-3):211-228, Springer Netherlands, ISSN 0920-5691 (Print) 1573-1405 (Online), Sept. 2010.
C. Archibald, A. Altman, M. Greenspan and Y. Shoham, “Computational Pool: A New Challenge for Game Theory Pragmatics”, AI Magazine, vol. 31(4):33-41, Winter 2010.
J.-P. Dussault, M. Greenspan, J.-F. Landry, W. Leckie, M. Godard, J. Lam, “Computational and Robotic Pool”, Digital Sport for Performance Enhancement and Competitive Evolution: Intelligent Gaming Technologies, Information Science Reference, Hershey New York, ISBN 978- 1-60566-406-4 (hardcover), ISBN 978-1 60566-407-1 (ebook), Chapter XII, pp 194-210, 2009.
Invited Paper: M. Greenspan, J. Lam, W. Leckie, M. Godard, I. Zaidi, K. Anderson, D. Dupuis, and S. Jordan, “Toward a Competitive Pool Playing Robot”, IEEE Computer Magazine, vol. 41(1):46-53, Jan. 2008.
W. Leckie and M. Greenspan, “Monte Carlo Methods in Pool Strategy Game Trees”, 5th International Conference on Computers and Games: Lecture Notes on Computer Science, No. 4630:244-255, Sept. 2007.
S. Zhang and M. Greenspan, “Variable Homography Compensation of Parallax Along Mosaic Seams”, Image Analysis and Recognition: Lecture Notes on Computer Science, No. 4633:271-284, Aug. 2007.
W. Leckie and M. Greenspan, “An Event-Based Pool Physics Simulator”, Eleventh Advances in Computer Games: Lecture Notes on Computer Science, No. 4250:248-263, Eds. H.J van den Herik, S.-C. Hsu, Ts. Hsu, and H.H.L.M. Donkers, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Sept. 2006.
M. Greenspan, “PickPocket Wins the Pool Tournament”, International Computer Gaming Association Journal, vol. 29(3):153-156, Sept. 2006.
B. Taati, M. Greenspan, and K. Gupta, “A Dynamic Load-Balancing Parallel Search for Enumerative Robotic Path Planning”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol. 47(1):55-85, Sept. 2006.
I. Wang, M. Greenspan, R.E. Ellis, “Validation of Bone Segmentation and Improved 3-D Registration Using Contour Coherency in CT Data”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 25(3):324-334, Mar. 2006.
W. Leckie and M. Greenspan, “Pool Physics Simulation by Event Prediction 2: Collisions”, International Computer Gaming Association Journal, vol. 29(1):24-31, Mar. 2006.
W. Leckie and M. Greenspan, “Pool Physics Simulation by Event Prediction 1: Motion Transitions”, International Computer Gaming Association Journal, vol. 28(4):214-222, Dec. 2005.
M. Greenspan, “UofA Wins the Pool Tournament”, International Computer Gaming Association Journal, vol. 28(3):191-193, Sept. 2005.
I. Fraser and M. Greenspan, “Color Indexing by Nonparametric Statistics”, Image Analysis and Recognition: Lecture Notes on Computer Science, no. 3656:694-702, Sept. 2005.
W. Yao , P. Abolmaesumi, M. Greenspan, and R.E. Ellis, “An Estimation/Correction Algorithm for Detecting Bone Edges in CT Images”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 24(8):997- 1010, Aug. 2005.
M. Greenspan, “Geometric Probing of Dense Range Data”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 4(24):495-508, Apr. 2002.
I. Gipson, K. Gupta, and M. Greenspan, “MPK: An Open Extensible Motion Planning Kernel”, Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems, vol. 8(18):433-443, summer 2001.
P. Renton, M. Greenspan, H. ElMaraghy, H. Zghal, “Plan-N-Scan: A Robotic System for Collision- Free Autonomous Exploration and Workspace Mapping”, Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems, vol. 24(3):207-234, 1999.
E. Gagnon, J.-F. Rivest, M. Greenspan, N. Burtnyk , “A Computer Assisted Range Image Registration System for NuclearWaste Cleanup”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 48(3):758-762, June 1999.