Sheikh ZiaUddin

PDF Candidate
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
E-mail Resume
I am currently pursuing my Post Doctoral Fellowship from Queen’s University under Prof. Michael Greenspan.I completed one Post-Doctoral Fellowship from I3S Lab, Sophia Antipolis, France under Prof. Bruno Martin Prof. Bruno Martin.
I did my Ph.D. from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand under the supervision of Prof. Matthew Dailey and Prof. Chanathip Namprempre. I also hold a Civil Engineering degree from University College of Engineering and Technology, BZU Multan.
My PhD thesis was entitled “Secure Use of Biometric Data in Cryptographic Applications” which involved research contributions to apparently two different areas of research namely Computer Vision and Cryptography. After completing my PhD, I continued doing research in both these areas for the next few years but slowly and gradually, I moved towards Computer Vision and these days, my work exclusively revolves around computer vision and its related areas such as Image Processing, and Machine Learning.
I have 16 years’ experience of teaching and research at the university level (including the time I spent in my PhD research). I have authored 26 research papers published in international journals and conferences. Currently I am working on some interesting projects involving application of Deep Learning on different (mostly 3D) Computer Vision applications such as object classification, object detection, pose estimation, activity recognition and dynamic projection mapping.
- Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
My research papers can be viewed at my DBLP and Google Scholar pages.